(function() {
'use strict';
* angular element directive; displays facets.
* attributes:
* - `facets`: the `facets` property of a search results object from {@link MLSearchContext#search}. (`ctrl.response.facets` on {@link MLSearchController})
* - `toggle`: A function to select/clear facets. Should invoke `mlSearch.toggleFacet(facetName, value).search()`. ({@link MLSearchController#toggleFacet})
* - `negate`: optional. A function to negate/clear facets. Should invoke `mlSearch.toggleNegatedFacet(facetName, value).search()`. ({@link MLSearchController#toggleNegatedFacet})
* - `showMore`: optional. A function get the next `n` (default `5`) facets values. Should invoke `mlSearch.showMoreFacets(facet, facetName)`. ({@link MLSearchController#showMoreFacets})
* - `template`: optional. A URL referencing a template to be used with the directive. If empty, the default bootstrap template will be used (chiclet-style facets). If `"inline"`, a bootstrap/font-awesome template will be used (inline facet selections)
* - `truncate`: optional. The length at which to truncate the facet display. Defaults to `20`.
* Example:
* ```
* <ml-facets facets="ctrl.response.facets" toggle="ctrl.toggleFacet(facet, value)" show-more="ctrl.showMoreFacets(facet, facetName)"></ml-facets>```
* @namespace ml-facets
.directive('mlFacets', mlFacets)
.controller('mlFacetsController', ['$scope', '$filter', mlFacetsController]);
function mlFacets() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: 'mlFacetsController',
scope: {
activeFacets: '=',
facets: '=',
toggle: '&',
negate: '&',
showMore: '&'
templateUrl: template,
link: link
function template(element, attrs) {
var url;
if (attrs.template) {
if (attrs.template === 'inline') {
url = '/templates/ml-facets-inline.html';
} else {
url = attrs.template;
} else {
url = '/templates/ml-facets.html';
return url;
function link($scope, element, attrs) {
$scope.truncateLength = parseInt(attrs.truncate, 10) || 20;
$scope.shouldShowMore = !!attrs.showMore;
$scope.shouldNegate = !!attrs.negate && !!attrs.activeFacets;
function mlFacetsController($scope, $filter) {
$scope.filter = $filter('filter');