(function() {
  'use strict';

   * angular element directive; creates a search-input form, outside of the scope of a controller.
   * Uses {@link MLRemoteInputService} to communicate with a controller. Wraps {@link ml-input}.
   * attributes:
   * - `searchCtrl`: the name of the controller to interface with. defaults to `'SearchCtrl'`
   * - `template`: passed to `ml-input`
   * Example:
   * ```
   * <ml-remote-input search-ctrl="MySearchCtrl" template="fa"></ml-remote-input>```
   * In the search controller, inherit from {@link MLRemoteSearchController}, as documented at that link
   * @namespace ml-remote-input
    .directive('mlRemoteInput', mlRemoteInput)
    .controller('MLRemoteInputController', MLRemoteInputController);

  function mlRemoteInput() {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      controller: 'MLRemoteInputController',
      scope: {
        searchCtrl: '@',
        template: '@'
      template: template

  function template(element, attrs) {
    var tpl = '';

    if ( attrs.template ) {
      tpl = ' template="' + attrs.template + '"';
    return '<ml-input qtext="qtext" search="search(qtext)" ' +
           'suggest="suggest(val)"' + tpl + '></ml-input>';

  MLRemoteInputController.$inject = ['$scope', '$location', 'MLSearchFactory', 'MLRemoteInputService'];

  function MLRemoteInputController($scope, $location, factory, remoteInput) {
    var mlSearch = factory.newContext(),

    $scope.qtext = remoteInput.input;
    remoteInput.initInput($scope, mlSearch);

     * watch the `searchCtrl` property, and update search path
     * (allows for instrumentation by a parent controller)
    $scope.$watch('searchCtrl', function(val) {
      var oldSearchPath = searchPath;

      val = val || 'SearchCtrl';
      searchPath = remoteInput.getPath( val );

      if ( oldSearchPath && searchPath !== oldSearchPath ) {

     * Search function for ml-input directive:
     * redirects to the search ctrl if necessary,
     * passes the input qtext to the remoteInput service
     * @param {string} qtext
    $scope.search = function search(qtext) {
      // TODO: clear params if not on the search path
      // if ( $location.path() !== searchPath ) {
      //   $location.search({});
      //   $location.path( searchPath );
      // }

      $location.path( searchPath );

     * suggest function for the ml-input directive
     * gets an MLSearchContext instance from the remoteInput service
     * (if possible)
     * @param {string} partial qtext
     * @return {Promise} a promise to be resolved with search suggestions
    $scope.suggest = function suggest(val) {
      mlSearch = remoteInput.mlSearch || mlSearch;
      return mlSearch.suggest(val).then(function(res) {
        return res.suggestions || [];